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Good news: Jiangsu Shenyuan Group Co., Ltd. won the "Eaton Global Excellent Supplier" award
2023-09-18 11:15:11

In August 2023, the Eaton Global Supply Chain Management Supplier Conference was held in Cleveland, USA. On August 30th at 9:00 am (US time), supplier partners from around the world gathered in the form of online and offline for this supplier conference. Jiangsu Shenyuan Group Co., Ltd. won the "Global Excellent Supplier" award



2023 Jiangsu Shenyuan Group Co., Ltd. | Eaton Global Excellent Supplier of the Year


At the end of 2016, Shenyuan began supplying engine valve steel samples to Eaton;


From 2017 to 2019, we accelerated sample supply and assisted Eaton in the comprehensive switching of raw materials for engine valve steel in new and old projects of the main plant; 

From 2020 to 2022, our company's sales of valve steel continued to rise, becoming the largest raw material supplier to Eaton (Jining);

In August 2023, the monthly order volume exceeded 500 tons and was awarded the Eaton Global Excellent Supplier Award.


From providing samples to becoming an excellent global supplier, Shenyuan has been working hard for 8 years. For 8 years, Shenyuan Group Company was led by Chairman Gong Youjun and General Manager Gong Yuansheng. Technology first, quality-oriented, customer-centric, continuously upgrading production and testing equipment, strengthening on-site management, and ensuring the ability to provide customers with high-quality and stable products.


For 8 years, Shenyuan and Eaton have always been strategic partners, providing full support for Eaton's supplier switching, new material sampling, and many other matters in response to customer needs. During the cooperation with Eaton, Shenyuan adhered to the customer first service philosophy, actively responding to customer needs and fully cooperating. In addition, Eaton also provides relevant support in terms of technology, quality, management, and other aspects to the materials for cooperation between the two parties, promoting mutual growth and creating a win-win situation.


The business personnel of Shenyuan and Eaton also maintain constant interaction, visit regularly, understand the dynamics of both parties, communicate their concepts, adjust the pace of cooperation, and strengthen the tacit understanding of cooperation; When faced with difficulties and problems, both parties worked together to solve them, truly implementing the spirit of both strategic partners.


The business personnel of Shenyuan and Eaton also maintain constant interaction, visit regularly, understand the dynamics of both parties, communicate their concepts, adjust the pace of cooperation, and strengthen the tacit understanding of cooperation; When faced with difficulties and problems, both parties worked together to solve them, truly implementing the spirit of both strategic partners.


In the future, Shenyuan will continue to strengthen interaction and exchange with Eaton, relying on reliable product quality and technical strength, and develop new products and markets on the basis of good cooperation between both parties; Promote deep cooperation in high nickel alloy materials and overseas projects to achieve mutually beneficial and win-win development for both parties.

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