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Common way of purchasing
2023-04-27 09:56:14

An open tender means that a tenderer invites an unspecified legal person or other organization to bid by way of a tender announcement. Also known as competitive bidding, that is, the tenderee publishes the bidding announcement in newspapers, newspapers, electronic networks or other media to attract a large number of enterprises to participate in the bidding competition, and the tenderee selects the best bidder among them. According to the degree of competition, public bidding can be divided into international competitive bidding and domestic competitive bidding. Advantages: 1, conducive to the real sense of competition, the most full display of open, fair and fair competition bidding principles, prevent and control monopoly; 2, can effectively promote the contractor in strengthening the competitive strength to practice internal work, strive to improve the quality of the project, shorten the time limit, reduce the cost, to save and efficiency, create the most reasonable return; 3. It is conducive to preventing fraud among operators and supervisors of tendering and bidding activities. Disadvantages: 1. The more bidders participate in the competition, the smaller the probability of each participant winning the bid, and the greater the risk of losing the bidding cost in vain; 2. The workload of the tenderer to review the bidder's qualification and bidding documents is relatively large, and it takes a long time, and the bidding expenses are also relatively large.

Invitation to bid invitation to bid means that a tenderer invites a specific legal person or other organization to bid by way of invitation to bid. Also known as limited competition bidding, is a bidding method in which the tenderer selects a number of suppliers or contractors, sends invitations to bid, and the invited suppliers and contractors bid for competition and select the winning bidder. Features: 1. The invitation to bid does not use the form of public announcement; 2. The unit that accepts the invitation is the qualified bidder; 3. The number of bidders is limited.

Iii. Competitive Negotiation Competitive negotiation refers to the way in which the purchaser or purchasing agency directly invites more than three suppliers to negotiate on procurement matters. Features: 1, can shorten the preparation period, can make the procurement project more quickly play a role. 2, reduce the workload, save a lot of bid opening, bidding work, is conducive to improve work efficiency, reduce procurement costs. 3. Supply and demand sides can negotiate more flexibly. 4, conducive to the protection of national industry. 5. It can motivate suppliers to consciously apply high-tech to purchased products and reduce procurement risks at the same time.

Iv. Single Source procurement Single source procurement refers to procurement only from a single or designated supplier, unforeseeable emergency, in order to ensure consistency or supporting services from the original designated supplier, there is uncontrollable price, higher cost budget, but still need a specific procurement method.

Five, inquiry (sealed quotation) inquiry procurement refers to the quotation of several suppliers (usually at least three) to ensure that the price, quality, delivery and other competitive procurement. Features: 1. At least three suppliers should be invited for quotation. 2. Sealed quotation only allows the supplier to provide one quotation. Each supplier or contractor is allowed to make only one offer and is not allowed to change its offer. Do not negotiate with a supplier or contractor in relation to their quotations. The quotation may be submitted by telex or facsimile. 3. The quotation shall be reviewed in accordance with the good practice of the Buyer's public or private sector. Procurement contracts are generally awarded to the supplier or contractor that offers the lowest price that meets the procuring entity's needs.

Vi. Competitive Consultation The mode of procurement through competitive consultation means that purchasers and purchasing agencies negotiate with qualified suppliers on matters related to the procurement of goods, projects and services by setting up competitive consultation groups, and suppliers submit response documents and quotations in accordance with the requirements of the consultation documents (commercial and technical). The Purchaser shall determine the procurement method of the concluded supplier from the list of candidate suppliers proposed by the consultation group after review.

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