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Safety is heavier than Taishan | Shenyuan Group to carry out fire drill
2023-06-26 10:10:20

In order to earnestly implement the policy of "safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management", further improve the awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation and emergency risk aversion of all employees of the enterprise, master basic fire skills and common sense, effectively do a good job in enterprise fire safety, improve emergency handling ability, make emergency escape in emergency situations, ensure the life safety of employees, and build a safe and harmonious unit. At 2 PM on November 20, Jiangsu Shenyuan Group organized a fire escape drill.


Explain the use of fire extinguishing equipment on site, popularize the knowledge of safety fire, in daily production and life, employees should always pay attention to fire safety, and find and deal with safety hazards as early as possible.


Fire drills, participating employees take turns to use dry powder fire extinguishers to extinguish simulated fire points, master the correct use of fire equipment, etc.


Fire escape drill, fire preset steel plant fourth door second floor equipment room due to electrical short circuit fire and caused the fire began to spread, in the fire and smoke, some workers have panic phenomenon, the scene personnel were injured, the staff by the general command deployment for emergency evacuation to avoid, and the use of fire equipment to control the fire, the injured personnel for emergency treatment.


The fire drill has further enhanced the fire safety awareness of Shenyuan Group employees and improved their resilience against fire, and everyone has said that in the future work, they will keep in mind that "fire prevention is before it is done, and fire responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai."

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