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Warmly welcome the research team of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology to visit Shenyuan to guide the work
2023-06-26 10:05:12

On the morning of June 1, Shi Xiaopeng, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, came to our city to investigate the cultivation of large enterprises and specialized new enterprises. Taizhou Bureau of Industry and information Technology is the main person in charge and responsible leadership, Xinghua Municipal government is in charge of leadership, Xinghua Bureau of industry and information Technology is accompanied by the main person in charge and responsible leadership.

Around 10:30 in the morning, I visited Taifu Hengtong, a subsidiary of our group, and the group's chairman Gong Youjun, Vice President Pan Xiaojian, Manufacturing director Ke Chunhua, administrative director Shen Guoping, and technical center director Yang Lianjin participated in the reception.


The research group focused on visiting the company's testing center, and the chairman Gong Youjun introduced the development achievements of Shenyuan in recent years to the director Shi Xiaopeng. In 2021, through the city and county audit and recommendation, expert review and other procedures, it won the title of provincial specialized and special new small giant enterprise, and said that the company will continue to develop in specialized, refined, special and new directions; Yang Lianjin, director of the Technology Center, introduced to the guests the current product structure of Shenyuan, as well as the iron-chromium aluminum products added last year; Li Feng, director of the testing center, introduced the research and development equipment and technology introduced by Shenyuan.


Although the visit was short, Director Shi affirmed the work of Shenyuan Group and hoped that in the future, the group will build a competitive advantage on the basis of maintaining innovation ability, and make a higher level of specialization, refinement, peculiarity and novelty.

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