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The 2022 annual Review and commendation Conference of Shenyuan Group was successfully held
2023-04-27 09:29:25

Warm congratulations on the successful holding of the 2022 Annual Review and Commendation Conference of Shenyuan Group


On January 18, the 2022 annual Review and commendation Conference of Shenyuan Group was successfully held in the multimedia conference room. Middle and senior leaders of the group, outstanding managers, outstanding employees and representatives of advanced units attended the conference. The meeting was chaired by Pan Xiaojian, vice president of the company.


▲ Chairman Gong Youjun speaks

At the ceremony, President Gong Youjun read out the Decision on Awarding 2022 Advanced Units and individuals, affirming their silent adherence to their posts, hard work and selfless contribution to the development of the company.


▲ Awards for advanced individual representatives


▲ Awards for advanced units

Company leadership to the advanced individual, advanced engineer, advanced manager, advanced collective award certificates and MEDALS.


▲ Speech by representatives

Representatives of advanced individuals and advanced units made statements.


▲ General Manager Gong Yuansheng speaks

Subsequently, General Manager Gong Yuansheng made a concluding report at the 2022 annual summary and commendation meeting of Shenyuan Group. He pointed out that 2022 is a key year for Shenyuan Group to promote transformation and upgrading. In the face of the overall downward market situation, the management of Shenyuan Group made timely adjustments to the business plan. The whole group worked together to overcome the difficulties, adhere to the market orientation, and constantly optimize the product structure. We will adhere to transformation and upgrading and accelerate the progress of the High Line project. Shenyuan people always adhere to the lofty ideal of building an internationally famous high-quality special steel enterprise, with the spirit of pragmatic struggle, advancing with The Times, pioneering and innovative, seriously planning the medium and long-term development plan, closely focusing on the goal of developing new products and opening up new markets, striving to be the champion of "specialized, refined, special and new" material segmentation circuit, accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise from "product" to "high-quality + service". Solid promotion of management reform and listing work, all aspects of the company, all departments and fronts have made new achievements.

In this year, we won the national "specialized, specialized and new little Giant" enterprise, Jiangsu Quality, Jiangsu Province "quality benchmark" and other honors. We passed the Jiangsu Province science and technology enterprise listing cultivation project, and added 6 authorized invention patents, 3 registered trademarks, and 2 provincial new product identification. Shenyuan Group has made remarkable achievements in brand building, and its brand influence and popularity have been significantly improved.

The year 2022 has passed, and we still have a long way to go in the New Year. As long as we are firm in our faith, brave in the face of difficulties, persist in promoting upgrading through innovation and promoting transformation through change, the business objectives in 2023 will be fully accomplished and the Group will reach a new peak in its new journey of development.


On this beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the New Year, Shenyuan Group would like to express its sincere sympathy to the employees, college students and engineers who are fighting on the production line. For a long time to give our company care and support of the majority of customers and leaders from all walks of life, friends express heartfelt thanks! I would like to express my great respect and best wishes to all the employees and their families who have made great contributions to Shenyuan Group.

In the New Year, I wish you a happy work, a successful career, good health and a happy family!

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