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The epidemic is merciless, and people have feelings
2023-04-27 09:37:37

It has been more than three years since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, and the continuous Anti-Japanese War has tested us in all aspects. From the beginning of the outbreak of the seal control at home, never leave the house. Until now, everyone is the first person responsible for their own health. To protect yourself is to protect your family, colleagues and even strangers. I vaguely remember the time when the epidemic was severe, traffic restrictions and roads were closed everywhere. The company has developed various epidemic prevention policies to actively respond. Ensure production, delivery, health and safety of employees. Everyone played along and did their part. Busy, scattered everywhere everyone's friendship. We twisted into a rope, united as one, overcome all kinds of difficulties. 

The epidemic will pass and spring will come. We are looking forward to taking off our masks and enjoying its beauty together.


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