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Warmly welcome the Zhaosu County Party and government delegation to visit Shenyuan
2023-05-17 10:48:34

On the morning of May 13, 2023, the Party and government delegation from Zhaosu County visited Jiangsu Shenyuan Group. Chairman Gong Youjun, Deputy General Manager Pan Xiaojian, Chief Executive Shen Guoping and leaders of relevant functional departments participated in the reception.


During the investigation, the delegation visited Shenyuan metal resources regeneration - smelting - refining - continuous casting and other operations. The chairman Gong Youjun introduced to the guests the group's development process, the current product structure and characteristics, the dominant position in the industry, and said that Shenyuan will continue to develop to the direction of "specialized, refined, special and new" in the future. At present, the group is investing a total of 633.5 million yuan in the new high-speed intelligent technology transformation project, which will strengthen the investment in research and development and innovation and the update of new technology and new products, better reduce costs, and make efforts to continuously improve the core competitiveness.


During this visit, I have gained good experience and practices in industrial development and enterprise attraction, which are worth learning and reference. I believe that more enterprises have further opportunities for in-depth cooperation. I hope that the two places can give full play to their advantages and strengthen interaction in industrialization and other fields.

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